iFLINK in Paris

Dr. Nuria Castell from NILU presented iFLINK during the Workshop “Microsensors for air quality monitoring, lessons learned and challenges”, organized by AirParif on 23rd Janurary 2020 in Paris. The workshop aimed at providing a mapping of these new technologies, their advantages and challenges for ambient air quality monitoring and precautions to be taken when these technologies are used for monitoring networks. Nuria participated in also in the round table on current challenges in integrating  micro-sensors in an air quality monitoring network.

During the workshop, the results of the Micro-sensor Challenge 2019 were announced, where Airparif evaluated different sensor devices according to 5 criteria: accuracy of measurements, ergonomics, relevance of the pollutants measured, portability and cost. The results of the Micro-sensor challenge can be found here.

The programme of the workshop is available here.
A newspaper article about the event, mentioning NILU is here (in French).
NILU’s presentation can be found here.