
iFLINK has been finalised

The iFLINK-project has been finalised with a presentation of its achievements on 27.9.21. The iFLINK-platform is now available for interested stakeholders. We would  like to thank all partners that joined the journey!

The platform will be used further in other projects and initiatives. Contact us if you are interested!

Rolling out the sensor network

The work on rolling out the iFLINK sensor network continues during summer! Soon there will be more than 100 sensors placed in Bergen, Bærum, Drammen, Kristiansand and Oslo.

Follow the process on social media (@NILUNorskinstituttforluftforskning/@NILU_now).

Pictures: J. S. Skaar/NILU, S. Stølevik/Kristiansand kommune, T. Wolf/Bymiljøetaten Oslo kommune

Welcome to iFLINK’s final seminar 27.9.2021

Welcome to the final seminar of the iFLINK project. Within the project, microsensors for local air quality have been tested and applied in five Norwegian municipalities. Data have been retrieved and processed in a data platform and we have been working on designing new inforation solutions. Results and experiences will be presented at the final seminar on 27.9.2021 at Telenor/Oslo and digitally. The event will be in Norwegian. The agenda can be retrieved here (in Norwegian).

Registration is possible until 20.9.2021 here.

100 microsensors on their way into Norwegian municipalities

The iFLINK project is applying novel sensor technologies in five Norwegian municipalities. The new sensors shall provide inhabitants improved information about the air quality where they live and thrive. In the upcoming weeks we are establishing a network with more than 100 microsensors in Bergen, Bærum, Drammen, Kristiansand and Oslo.

Follow the process on social media (@NILUNorskinstituttforluftforskning/@NILU_now).

Testing microsensors for air quality measurements in Bergen

Since September the municipality of Bergen has mounted 15 microsensors at their official measurement stations at Danmarksplass and Klosterhaugen to test the quality of the different air quality sensors. Five of them will now be installed at Skjold school, Lyngbøtunet, Åsane center, Nordahl Grieg high school and Indre Arna kindergarten.

More sensors will be mounted in Bergen in spring 2021. The aim is to install two sensors in each city district to obtain a better picture about the air quality over the whole municipality.

You can read more about this on the web pages of the municipality of Bergen (in Norwegian).

Kick-off for measurements in Oslo and Bergen

We are preparing air quality measurements with low-cost sensors in Oslo and Bergen. In mid-August we started calibrating the instruments at the monitoring stations Kirkeveien and Sofienberg in Oslo. We deployed 25 low-cost sensors from different suppliers. First, they have to be calibrated before they can be deployed over the whole city. In Oslo we collaborate with Ruter, who provide us access to their bus/tram/metro shelters for delpoying low-cost sensors.

At the same time we are also deploying low-cost sensors for calibration at the monitoring stations Danmarks plass and Klosterhaugen in Bergen. Here, we will test 15 instruments before they will be used to complement the air quality monitoring network in Bergen.

Once the calibration periods in Oslo and Bergen are completed, the iFLINK project will use these low-cost sensors to set up a dense sensor network in Bergen, Bærum, Drammen, Kristiansand and Oslo during spring 2021.

The iFLINK project is collaborating with several ongoing European projects and activities. One of them is sensEURCity, a project coordinated by EU’s Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy. Here, Oslo is a cooperating city, together with Antwerp, Belgium and Zagreb, Croatia. Via the sensEURCity project we have 34 AirSensEur low-cost sensors available that will be used in Oslo until March 2021. In this project we also cooperate with Oslo Bysykkel, who are providing their bicycle racks for deploying our instruments.

iFLINK in Paris

Dr. Nuria Castell from NILU presented iFLINK during the Workshop “Microsensors for air quality monitoring, lessons learned and challenges”, organized by AirParif on 23rd Janurary 2020 in Paris. The workshop aimed at providing a mapping of these new technologies, their advantages and challenges for ambient air quality monitoring and precautions to be taken when these technologies are used for monitoring networks. Nuria participated in also in the round table on current challenges in integrating  micro-sensors in an air quality monitoring network.

During the workshop, the results of the Micro-sensor Challenge 2019 were announced, where Airparif evaluated different sensor devices according to 5 criteria: accuracy of measurements, ergonomics, relevance of the pollutants measured, portability and cost. The results of the Micro-sensor challenge can be found here.

The programme of the workshop is available here.
A newspaper article about the event, mentioning NILU is here (in French).
NILU’s presentation can be found here.

New report on recommendations when purchasing a sensor system

NILU has published a report on specifications for air quality monitoring sensor systems.   This report explains technical terms related to measuring performances, as well as providing recommendations and requirements in connection with preparation of tenders. The report goes through existing instrumentation for air quality measurement in Norway and current legislation on the subject. It mentions possible applications for new measurement technologies. An overview of metrological terms with explanations gives the reader basic knowledge necessary to interpret instrument specifications. The report identifies some important parameters related to the quality of sensor systems.